Concrete analysis

Structural-concrete analysis is a key requisite for the targeted and optimal renovation of wastewater treatment tanks. The chemical analysis of the concrete, performed by an expert WTA and DPÜ e.V certified Krumme planner, is guaranteed by over 20 years of practical experience. Highly qualified staff using special machinery collects samples of the material on site that are then analysed in the laboratory.

Care for detail & precision through targeted actions We develop solutions for mankind and for the environment

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By looking only at the surface, it is impossible to plan useful and qualified concrete renovation. Only an in-depth analysis and microscopic examination of the concrete of the tanks can allow us to provide our clients with detailed structural analyses before intervening with an optimized work plan.

Training and refresher courses recognised by the ABB Consultive Committee for Training

We also offer the structural analysis of concrete elements of wastewater treatment plants as a standalone service. Design centres and private as well as public clients often turn to us for this service. According to the laws in force regarding the public sector, in Germany, before starting the renovation of any statically important concrete structure, a so-called ‘expert planner’ must be called in to renovate the concrete. Experts of this kind not only have to obtain special professional qualification but also additional training with a final exam. To renew their qualification they must attend periodic refresher programs every three years. At Krumme, this classroom training is enriched by over 20 years of practical experience in the field of concrete renovation.

Structural analysis in water treatment plants for designers and operators

On-site concrete analysis:

  • Measurement of the damage
  • Structural surveys
  • Exposure and scanner analysis of the reinforcement bars
  • Measurement of degree of carbonation
  • Tensile strength test
  • Coring

A wet coring drill on a support stand is used to extract samples then used for lab analysis.

Additional testing in specialised labs:

  • Compression test
  • Chloride and sulphates tests
  • Electron and optical microscope examination, if necessary, for detection of sulphate attacks or alkali-aggregate reactions
  • Testing for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and/or asbestos
  • Tensile strength tests on samples of collected material
  • Additional carbonation measurements
  • Analysis of reinforcement bars
  • Mineralogical analysis of cores

Example of procedure in practice

Complete visual inspection of the concrete’s conditions and documentation of the structures to be analysed

Measurement of visible fissures and cracks

A small area of the reinforcement is exposed to reveal the conditions and distribution of the rebar structures inside the concrete

Inspection of the conditions and measurement of the diameter of the rebars and of the thickness of the concrete cover (data used to program the scanner)

Scanner programming and non-destructive measurement of the rebars inside the structures using a linear and/or surface scanner

Measurement of the degree of carbonation via phenolphthalein testing in the areas around the exposed rebar

Core drilling (here in especially difficult conditions)

Execution of tensile strength tests by our specialised staff using electronically calibrated equipment to measure the resistance of concrete surfaces

Measurement of tensile strength

Results: documentation of the concrete’s tear resistance via analysis of the sample’s surface

Detailed photographic documentation of all phases

Delivery of samples to a specialised and qualified laboratory for further testing

  • Phenolphthalein testing provides information about the depth of carbonation in the concrete structures.
  • Salts and sulphates damage these structures. The laboratory discovers them using a physical/chemical process called ion exchange chromatography.
  • Observation under an optical and electron microscope, when necessary, provides information about the mineral composition of the samples of material.

All of the information obtained in this way is summarised in a detailed report on the test results and, as a special service, explained on site by our expert planner. In this manner we create the premises for qualified renovation.

Although no major critical issues have been found, concrete analysis has provided a wide and detailed picture of the damage present.

This is confirmed when the concrete is removed.

Concrete analysis has shown that it should have been renovated with different intensity in the various sections.

Concrete analysis is fundamental for state-of-the-art renovation of wastewater treatment tanks.


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